Keep the Air Fresh and Pollutant Free
Resolve your basement humidity issue by transforming your basement air into fresh, healthy air. Don’t hassle with your dehumidifier overflowing because you forgot to empty the bucket. Get a humidity control system that is constructed for ALL finished basements. To ensure proper ventilation and its maintenance get the best whole-house ventilation system and ventilation cleaning service. You don’t need to search for the best ventilation services near me, just remember to visit the website of Expert Roofing & Basement waterproofing services and get roofing coupons and deals to get an easy way to affordable ventilation services.
Does Your Basement Have...
Musty Odors?
Mildew on Stored Possessions?
Stale Air?
Energy-Eating Dehumidifier?
Do You Have...
Tired Arms from Dumping Buckets?
Our Ventilation Solutions will:
Expel Moisture, Gases, Toxins, and Pollutants
Replenish Polluted, Damp Air with Healthy, Dry Air
Ventilate the Entire House and Dry the Structure
Enjoy clean air throughout your home by having us install a Humidex ventilation solution in your basement or crawlspace today

Lifetime Warranties
You can’t go wrong with a lifetime warranty on all services
FREE Inspections
FREE Estimates
Financing Available
Check out our competitive rates
Check out our competitive rates
Providing services throughout Northern Indiana and Southern Michigan